Thursday, January 12, 2012

All Sorts of Miscellaneous Monkey Business

It's been one of those days. So busy, always moving and peppered with non-stop kid requests and intermittent fighting.

You know those days.

Ava woke up crabby. She doesn't take naps anymore and didn't go to bed until 10 p.m. last night. So, even though she slept until 8 a.m. this morning, the crabbies awoke with her.

So, let's see, here are some of the highlights, you know the moments that make you say "O Lordy, I'm never going to make it out of this with my sanity!" from the day.

Ava got a kid-friendly, Pinkalicious Scrabble game for Christmas...Ella, while Ava was nicely playing and I was cleaning up breakfast, took it upon herself to pull the game board out and proceeded to rip the entire bottom right hand corner off of the game board...Ava was quite upset and started screaming at Ella...I sent Ella to her room and promised Ava we could tape the gameboard back together (the feeble attempt at the right is actually her tape job!)...Somehow by the time Ella came down the stairs Ava had renewed her compassion for Ella and said, "Oh sister...I see what you were thought this was a ripping game. It's o.k. mommy will fix it." She was completely and earnestly serious...I was completely and earnestly confused...Ava NEVER has this kind of compassion for her sister over these things...she was fuming angry just 7 minutes prior...


Then...I decided to hard boil some eggs because I just saw this holistic health care lady yesterday and she did a bit of a reconstruct on my current diet...of course, as I was pulling them out (we only had four left in the house) Ava spotted them and wanted one...and then Ella heard Ava and wanted by the time I was done (and had eaten one myself) my organized pre-prepping (what the Dr. had suggested since I have kids) seemed a little fruitless...and Ella, whom for some strange reason I had given permission to eat her eggs in a plastic bowl in the living room (while watching t.v.), somehow scattered white and yellow egg bits all over our rug...I tried to wipe them up with a cloth. Do you know what happens when you try to wipe the yellow part of an egg with a wet cloth on a cream rug...paste....yellow paste all over the rug (to add to the bazillion spots that make me crazy already!).

--In the process of my trying to prep soup this morning Ava decided to try to paint her toenails and got polish all over the kitchen floor at which point I took all of the polish away from her and she started screaming that I was mean and that she was NEVER, EVER painting her toes again and that she HATED toes (I think she wanted to say she hated me, but she knows very well that we never, ever, ever use the word hate in regards to people...toes, maybe...people, big trouble!).

--All the while Ella was pulling even more clothes out of her add to the pile that was already on the floor.

--I finally finished the soup, cleaned up the kitchen and was ready to go to the gym until I looked over and realized everyone was still in their pajamas at 10:50...which is fine...unless you want to quickly get to the gym because the childcare worker is only there until 12. I had asked the girls to get dressed countless times...they apparently found other things more interesting to do (like rip game boards, and paint toe nails and spread eggs on the rug).

-- We did make it to the gym...I did get on the elliptical and made it through 27 minutes of my 30 minute preset which point I was called to the kids room to take Ella to the bathroom...She told me she needed to poop...She wasn't lying...I was in there with her for 10 minutes.

--Let's see...I finished at the gym, we ran to the grocery store, dropped off food for the friend, came home, ate lunch and then Ava apparently kicked her sister...I gathered the story by the fact that Ella came down the stairs sobbing and Ava was following quickly behind her saying "sorry, sorry, sorry..." meaning...'I really wanted to hit you, but didn't think you would cry and now I don't want to get in trouble...maybe if I walk behind you down the stairs and say sorry I won't get in trouble.'

I sent her to her room...for a while....

I finally got to close my eyes for 22 minutes....

Neither Ella nor Ava naps I put them in their rooms for 1/2 and hour and close my's the only way I make it through the day.

And then we start all over again...or just keep going...depending on how you want to look at it.

Ava wanted a bath, Ella wanted stickers, Ava wanted me to dry her hair, Ella wanted me to change her baby's clothes, Ava needed help with stickers, Ella wanted to read...

..And so it goes...

All in a days work...

And really, it's hard to stay mad at these two faces!

One of my favorite parts of the day just might have been after Ava's gymnastics class tonight...

"Mommy can I get candy from the machine?"


"Mommy can we buy a new leotard?"


"Mommy did you bring your wallet?"

"Ava! No."

"Mom, why do you always say no."

"Because I'm the big, mean, boogey say no monster."

"Mooommmyy! No you're not."

We both just laughed...

"Don't worry honey...someday when you're a mommy you'll get to say no a lot too..."


The End.

P.S. If you'd like some more serious reading I did manage to write a short post on prayer on my Little Writer Momma page earlier this week.

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